April Showers

Hey guys,
So, I noticed I haven’t posted since . . . March. And I don’t think I’ll be posting again until . . . May. I have my first craft show (well it’s a mom to mom sale, but the same kinda set up) and I’ve been scrambling to get ready. I need a lot of inventory. And the great thing is, whenever I make a bunch of stuff, it sells. Great except that I’m back to where I started for inventory. So I gotta get working. This seriously is turning into a work at home type of deal.
Anyway, sorry for the lameness. I do have more to say. I have some blog posts filed away in my head for a rainy day, but I just can’t justify writing them now. So, go and enjoy the great outdoors of what promises to be a warm second-half-of-April and I’ll see ya when I see ya. In May.

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